Ehm, pertama, buka ini dulu deh, bukan jebmen kok.
Sibeye BIJI.
Agak gimana gitu ya bacanya, seenak jidat dia ngomong gitu, kalo ga pernah main game emang gitu sih, cupu, cemen, banci, ga tegas, lemah, bijinya lembek.
Dan yah, berikut beberapa kompilasi mengenai video games, yang mungkin ada yang belom tau, silahken simak!
Improved Dexterity - Those who played video games were 27% faster and 37% less prone to errors than those who didn't.
Education - Students remember up to 90% of info when thaught using simulations compared with 10% via reading .
Physiotherapy - Excercise - Based games help parkinson's disease sufferers.
Physiotherapy - In a study, after 12 weeks of playing, over 55% of people had improved balance, gain speed and longer strides.
Stress Relief - Gaming lowers levels of stress-induciing hormone cortisol by up to 17%.
Stress Relief - Puzzle game "Bejeweled" has been shown to reduce physical stress activity by 54%.
Multitasking - Gamers can concentrate on 6 things at once, against non-gamers' 4.
Multitasking - Gamers also perform up to 20% more effectively in perception and cognitive tests.
Improved Eyesight - Playing action video games for a few hours each day can lead to a 20% increase in accuracy during eye chart tests.
Relationship - 76% of couples who game together say it has positive impact on their marriage.
Pain Relief - Patient's pain rating for burn wounds decreased by up to 50% while gaming.
Pain Relief - One study showed that violent games increased pain tolerance by up to 65%.
Increased IQ - Players have been noted to be up to 50% better at managing events / spotting detail.
Increased IQ - Infants who play games also develop thicker cortex.
Faster Responses - The ability to shoot a zombie quickly translate to the real world.
Faster Responses - Reaction times of a gamers are shown to be nearly as high as fighter jet pilots.
Pusing bacanya? Sama, males gue terjemahinnya, sumbernya nih --> @ShaniBudi
Ada lagi nih, versi bahasa Indonesia, mari,
Tua itu mutlak, dewasa itu pilihan, tapi kami tetap memilih untuk tetap menjadi bocah.
Kenapa? Karena seorang bocah punya mata yang tidak berhenti takjub atas segala sesuatu.
Kapan kita paling rajin belajar? Saat kita masih bocah. Kalo ditanya, "Bukannya main mulu?" Lah memang dengan main itu si bocah belajar.
Seorang bocah juga selalu jujur. Mungkin kadang terkesan kurang ajar, tapi mereka tidak sinis & pahit. Menjadi bocah itu menjadi berani!
Game membantu mengembangkan pola pikir si gamer menjadi lebih dewasa dan kaya akan wawasan yang ga mungkin didapat di sekolah.
Kalo yang barusan itu dari @abugetdotcom
Jadi, kalo masih berpikir gamer itu macem macem, kamu gaul di kamar mayat aja sana. Jadi teteup, #SayaGamer
Piss bro~
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